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How to buy a phone number?

Steps to buying a phone number

Open the phone numbers section

Please navigate the phone number section by clicking on the ‘Phone’ on the left-side menu. When the page is open, click the ‘Numbers’ button on the top menu.

Buy a number

Open the buy option

Please, click on the top ‘But A Number’ button

Search a number

Please, select your preferred area code and hit the ‘Search’ button. On the right-hand side, you will get a list of available numbers.

Additional configuration

Here you can set some additional configurations like Webphone’s name, Caller ID, etc

Please, check this box, if you want the recording feature for the inbound calls

Order a number

Please, choose a number from the list of available numbers, and click on the ‘Order’ button

The system will redirect you to the ‘Edit Phone number’ page and check all the settings

Now, navigate to the bottom of the page and click on the ‘Save’ button

Now you will have the green phone icon which means you can use this web phone 🙂

Sometimes, you might need to re-login to see the active green phone icon.

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