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You can change the conversation status in the NEO AI Chatbot platform by following these steps:

  1. Access Chats: Click on “Chats” on the left side menu to view the chat options.
  2. View All Chats: Click on “All” to display all conversations.
  3. Change Conversation Status: Find the dropdown menu associated with the conversation, which displays the status, such as “Pending”, “Open”, “Snooze”, or “Resolve”. Click on the dropdown menu and select the status you want to see conversations for.

In order to change the status of the conversation:

  1. Select the specific conversation: From the list of chats, click on the conversation you want to update. This will open the chat transcript and related options.
  2. Change the status: Locate the status dropdown menu on the top right side of the conversation window. Click on the dropdown menu and select the new status you want to assign to the conversation (e.g., “Pending”, “Open”, “Snooze”, or “Resolve”).

By changing the conversation status, you can ensure that each interaction is handled efficiently, either by the chatbot or a human agent, providing a seamless and satisfactory user experience.