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Connect your domain

Navigate to the domain panel by clicking the “Sites” button on the left side menu. Then, when you have that page open you will see a link to “Connected Domains” on the top of your page, please click that.

Now, click on the ‘Add Domain’ button to add your domain.

The system will allow you to add a free domain or custom domain. For our case, we will select the second option, and put your domain name.

Click on the ‘Next’ button.

Now, the system will offer you services.

By default, the Website Hosting service will be enabled. You can uncheck that if you don’t want to host your website on our platform.

Please, click on the ‘Next’ button.

Add Email Inbox

Please, navigate to the ‘Chat’ icon on the left menu bar. Once the page is loaded, click on the e ’Inbox’ menu on the top menu bar.

No, click on the ‘Add Inbox’. Choose the ‘Email’ option to add an email associated with your domain.

Configure email inbox.

Add an agent to your inbox (Optional).

The inbox is ready now

Collect email forwarding address

Here is the email forwarding address to your connected email inbox.

You need to configure email forwarding to receive inbound emails. But the above steps are enough to send emails using the system.

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