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For us to display a sticky button at the top or bottom of the page, we have to follow these steps:

1. Create a section at the top or bottom of the page, depending on where you want the sticky section to be. We will assume the bottom of the page for this walkthrough.

2. Delete the padding above and below the section and make the section full width.

3. The section container has a default padding of 10 pixels. Make it 0px by using the style manager. 

4. Using the style manager, make the width 100% (Dimension).

5. Set the position to “fixed” in the Style Manager under General.

6. Make the margin left and right 0.

7. To place a section at the top, set margin-top to 0 and margin-bottom to auto. To place the section at the bottom, set margin-top to auto and margin-bottom to 0.

8. Add a button to the section, and ensure the margin is 0px all round.

9. Make button width 100%

10. Link button to wherever you want.