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To set up a “Forgot Password” page, navigate to Page Manager and choose the page to be designated for this feature. Click on the edit icon to make changes to the page.

Click on the Add Blocks icon indicated by the plus sign on the top left of the builder. Under Membership Sites, drag the Forgot Password to your page.

Publish or save the page.

Go to your Login Page and add an element that can link to your forget password page. In this example, we will be using a text. Drag it from the “Add Blocks” sidebar under the “Elements” section. 

Edit the text to your preference by double-clicking on it. A horizontal bar appears by clicking once on the text; make a link by clicking on the Link icon.

Select Page, click on Choose a page, then select your Forget Password Page.

Finally, click on the Add Application icon on the top left of the builder. To add a Forget Password page, go to the “Members” section and click on “Add Pages to Application”. Then, simply enable the Forget Password option. Hit Save